Mother (Maman)

videos and installations

I lived off the work of my old mother, a beloved aunt supported me; the holy women, […] brave women.” (James Ensor, 1922)

This video was specially made for the exhibition ‘The Garden of Love’ at Galerie P in Ostend, as part of the celebrations for the 75th anniversary of the death of James Ensor. It deals with the complicated and ever-evolving relationship between mother and child. The video and the soundscape were created in the Dreammachine studio in Charleroi. The soundscape is based on sounds from Charleroi and Rioja, Almería.

Technical aspects

  • Video
  • Variable dimensions
  • Sound


  • Nora Patiny (mother)
  • Ezra Patiny (child)
  • The large family of sparrows from Rioja, Almería.